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The listener command manages for the listener create/start/stop/delete.

For usage, run help listener, help listener <subcommand>.

listener new

Creates a new listener and start it.
If we simply run the lisetner new command without flags, the address is set from the network interface (eth0 or ens33) and the port is generated randomly between 49152 and 65535. And domains are set from config.json setting.

Custom URL & Domains

We can specify the custom URL and domains (separate with , for multiple domains).

Hermit C2 Server Console
Hermit > listener new -u --d hermit.evil,

listener start <ID>

Starts a specified listener by ID.

listener stop <ID>

Stops a specified listener by ID.

listener delete <ID>

Deletes a specified listener by ID.

listener list, listeners

Lists all listeners available.

listener info <ID>

Prints a listener detailed information.

listener payloads <ID>

Lists and manages payloads hosted on a specified listener by ID.
On the select menu after run this command, we can select the payload and delete it.